I got you in my view
I see right through you
You want to come around here and try to conquer me

Well you're not the first to try
and I don't give up without a fight
I'm a fierce one Darlin'
and it won't come easy

I'll meet you at high noon

well you're lookin pretty tough
we'll find out soon enough
I know each trick
you got up your sleeve

'cause I'm your mirrored soul
your alter ego
I'm your lover
and your worst enemy

I'll meet you at high noon

we'll take it out of town
just you and me
no one else around
and look each other
square in the eye
then let fly
we'll settle it then
once and for all
at high noon

you got seconds to decide
you can run but you can't hide
fear alone stop you dead in your tracks

cause fear has the devil's say
and keep you running away
from the truth and that monkey on your back

I'll meet you at high noon

is now playing